Investigation/Review notices 2012

Gazettal Date Closing Date for Submissions Condition under Consideration Date Investigation Completed
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 Achilles tendinopathy and bursitis 21/08/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 acute stress disorder 24/04/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 albinism 19/12/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 alkaptonuria 01/05/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 19/12/2014
31/10/2012 05/04/2013 Alzheimer disease (focussed review - in respect of (a) posttraumatic stress disorder and (b) diabetes mellitus) 15/01/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 anxiety disorder 17/10/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 cardiomyopathy 19/06/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 cerebrovascular accident (stroke) 01/05/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 chicken pox 19/06/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 congenital cataract 01/05/2015
29/02/2012 30/03/2012 deep vein thrombosis 27/08/2012
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 dental caries 16/10/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 19/06/2015
05/09/2012 08/02/2013 fibrosing interstitial lung disease 26/08/2013
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 fracture 21/08/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 gastric ulcer & duodenal ulcer 01/05/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 Gaucher disease 19/12/2014
31/10/2012 01/02/2013 Graves disease 29/04/2013
31/10/2012 05/04/2013 Gulf War syndrome 08/05/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 haemophilia 19/12/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 hallux valgus 21/08/2015
31/10/2012 01/02/2013 Hashimoto thyroiditis 29/04/2013
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 hepatitis A infection 01/05/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 hepatitis E infection 21/08/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 hereditary spherocytosis 01/05/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 horseshoe kidney 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 Huntington disease 19/12/2014
12/12/2012 08/02/2013 hypopituitarism (focussed review - in respect of infiltration of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus) 04/03/2013
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 ingrowing nail 21/08/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 intervertebral disc prolapse 22/04/2016
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 ischaemic heart disease 18/12/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 lipoma 21/08/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 loss of teeth 16/10/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 malignant melanoma of the skin 21/08/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 malignant neoplasm of the bile duct 01/05/2015
27/06/2012 28/09/2012 malignant neoplasm of the brain (focussed review - in respect of (a) carbon monoside, benzene and other chemicals associated with exhaust fumes (b) smoking) 01/11/2013
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 malignant neoplasm of the endometrium 04/03/2016
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 malignant neoplasm of the gallbladder 19/06/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 malignant neoplasm of the oesophagus 16/10/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 Marfan syndrome 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 Meniere's disease 21/08/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 mesothelioma 21/08/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 multiple osteochondromatosis 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 myasthenia gravis 19/06/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism 04/03/2016
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 non-melanotic malignant neoplasm of the skin 04/03/2016
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 osteogenesis imperfecta 19/12/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism 22/04/2016
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 peritoneal adhesions 18/12/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 pinguecula 16/10/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 plantar fasciitis 27/02/2015
31/10/2012 05/04/2013 plantar warts 20/06/2014
09/05/2012 03/08/2012 postconcussion syndrome 27/08/2012
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 pterygium 16/10/2015
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 shingles and postherpetic neuralgia 27/02/2015
29/02/2012 01/06/2012 sick sinus syndrome 15/01/2014
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 spina bifida 01/05/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 systemic lupus erythematosus 04/03/2016
05/09/2012 08/02/2013 trigeminal neuralgia 19/06/2015
05/09/2012 08/02/2013 trigeminal neuropathy 19/06/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 tuberculosis 19/06/2015
31/10/2012 04/04/2014 von Willebrand disease 19/12/2014
02/05/2012 28/09/2012 Wilson disease 19/12/2014